A review by jeaninetaniece
Man of Shadow and Mist by Michelle Griep


“I shall miss you, James. More than you know.”
“But I do know.” He stepped closer. “For you see, if you miss me half as much as I you, then your heart will bleed drip by drip until there is nothing left.”

What a wonderfully atmospheric, gothic tale! Michelle pens the most incredible stories with vivid and unique characters. As with all her books, you are immersed in the pages, experiencing the sights and sounds, feeling the mist and chill, hearing the eerie stillness and spooky darkness. Then you get to bask in the emotional romantic journey the main characters go through.

James is a recluse, a mysterious man disgusted with society, and judgmental and superstitious people. He is also cursed with a hereditary illness that only fuels the fire of gossip and speculation that he is a vampire. And when his arrival back home coincides with the gruesome killings of livestock, the rumors implicating him are rampant.

Rosa is a sweet, mild mannered librarian, working for her father she delivers books to the folks of her town. Against her father’s wishes and without his knowledge, she supplies material to the less fortunate in hopes of educating them to eradicate their prejudice and superstitious beliefs. When James arrives in town, she takes it upon herself to gain his patronage and support in financing her endeavors, all the while hoping her lack of fear and friendship will quell the rumors about him. But people are stuck in their ways, not eager for change or the truth. She must fight with all her might to show the world what a wonderful, innocent man James is.

James and Rosa are two terrific characters. You quickly fall in love with them both. There are some definite Beauty and Beast vibes. Rosa is bookish and charming, unwavering in her desire to see the best in people and not follow along with the crowd. James is gruff and stern, keeping all others at bay to protect them and himself, not wanting to taint Rosa by association. Rosa is sincere, strong, and undeterred. She is as much an enigma as James is. The forbidden romance between the two is oh so wonderful and frustrating at the same time.

Thank you NetGalley for my advanced copy. All opinions are my own.