A review by cassiakarin
Virgil Wander by Leif Enger


Leif Enger's novels are not "riveting," "enchanting," or "magnificent..." Maybe, but every time I finish one I come away loving my world a whole lot more than I did before. His characters are pure, and so are his stories. I remember feeling a deep hope and anticipation throughout this whole story which led to questions like, "What's around the bend?" "What will this character bring to Virgil's life?" "Will this character be _____? [the great villain? / magical princess? / long lost mystery-now-found?!]" Villains, magical princesses, and big reveals are not what stories like these are about, but what impresses me about his writing is that he made me start to ask these questions about MY own simple present life. I listened to this book on audio while driving, and during one of my multi-hours stretches I saw a gigantic black lion on the ridge of a snowy mountain (it turned out to be a burnt tree), and dear old friend's from across the country strolling through a tiny mountain town alone in a blizzard (I even spun my truck around certain it was them! If found them--not my friends, but total strangers--happily shopping inside a mini mart. I returned to my truck simply glad for the spontaneity of needing to check-thanks to Leif Enger). All that to say, my heart and mind widened through the listening of this story. I did cry, once I think. And the profundity within the deeper meanings of some of his little side notes made me shiver with pleasure and heavenly hope. I want to return and be back in this story...but than again, I don't, because I am so inspired and moved to watch and see my own life with eyes like Enger taught me to use.
(Audio note: Excellent narrator. The Minnesotan accent threw me at first because I have family from MN and...well, anyway it totally worked for this tale.)