A review by sandraagee
Meanwhile by Jason Shiga


This book is incredibly trippy - in a good way. It's kind of a Choose Your Own Adventure in graphic novel format featuring time travel, entropy, quantam physics, and a doomsday device. It starts out innocently enough - do you want chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Choose which path you want to take and follow the tubes to the correct tab, which takes you to another page where the story continues. Various other choices along the way cause the story to split yet again, revealing a story that grows stranger and darker as you progress.

I first tried to read this book during my lunch break. That didn't work. Eating grapes is apparently too much distraction. You need to give this book your full attention to follow the storyline and to make sure that you are correctly following the tubes that connect each pannel. Not only are you jumping from page to page as you make different choices, but the pannels do not necessarily move in the conventional order. Sometimes you may find yourself reading from right to left, from down to up, or even looping around the page. It's weird, and it's a lot of fun once you get used to it. The narration geek in me also likes the way that this unusual structure reflects the time travel and entropy aspects of the story.