A review by heathermaclaughlin
Dragonsworn by Sherrilyn Kenyon



This is going to be a gut wrenching review

I can’t believe what has happened to one of my all-time favorite series. Sherilyn Kenyon dark hunter series has always been and will always be my all-time favorite, but the last few books I have struggled to get through.

I can’t even tell you what even happened in this book because I anger read through the entire thing.

It starts out with Falcyn, Urian, Blaise, and Medea all at the Sanctuary. I can’t even explain the conversations they were having it felt like the same person was talking even though it was four or five different people in a conversation. The nonstop snarky one line comments that went back-and-forth between them almost made me shut this book and never pick it up again.

I can’t even tell you how many times I said to myself “who the heck wrote this book, it can’t be Sherrilyn Kenyon this is not her style of writing”. I struggled throughout this entire book to understand where they were, who was talking to who, what the whole point of the book was!

A few times I had to go onto SK’s website and look up characters because they were constantly bringing up a character and giving a summary of their backstory that had nothing to do with this story, but I would be confused and so I would look them up and try to remember who they were, just to find out that they were a character from the lords of Avalon book series. I felt like she was forcing us to have to read the lords of Avalon series - while calling this book a dark hunter novel.

I know SK has had some personal problems but I never thought it would affect her writing the way that it has I feel like the last great book was STYXX - And since then she’s been trying to bring in this lords of Avalon book series into the dark hunter world and all the stories are jumbled together and now these books have so many characters with so many back stories that she’s constantly bringing up and reminding you of that it loses the actual story that’s going on in the book that you’re reading.
I don’t know if I’m going to pick up the next book anytime soon this book has left me so depressed with what is happening in this world, and with one of my most favorite beloved stories.