A review by nightshade_novels
Torchwood: Something in the Water by Trevor Baxendale


Another brilliant Torchwood story in which the main characters cheat death and managed to save a wide spread alien invasion that was killing off humans at the same time.
The alien in this book is a female creature who, although able to taken human form, is basically made up of mud and weed. She has been using humans to incubate her eggs/foetuses until they are big enough to survive on their own. These babies are lodged in the mucus at the back of a person’s throat causing increasing worsening coughs until they ‘hatch’ by basically forcing themselves out of the person’s mouth and ripping them open. Each of the Torchwood team is infected with these aliens, as it spreads across Wales and into England, but it turns out that only the males can successfully bring the alien to full term.
Some of the best moments were when Tosh sinks into the moor and when the dead body comes back to life on Owen’s autopsy table.
Very well written, in keeping with the TV show, and plenty of plot twists, this book receives 4 stars.