A review by helenephoebe
The Intrigue by Marion Chesney, M.C. Beaton


Review - I didn't like Jessica in the first book, and I still don't really like her now. Yes, she changed, but it took a long time and any half intelligent girl would have given up long ago. I think Lizzie is my favourite sister as the twins and Belinda just annoy me a lot. The story follows along a very similar vein to the previous book in this series, [b:The Banishment|548452|The Banishment|Marion Chesney|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328005548s/548452.jpg|535706]. This let it down for me because in a lot of ways it was just an echo of the first book. It needed a new spark.

Genre? - Romance / Historical / Drama

Characters? - Jessica Beverly / Robert Sommerville / Harry Devers / Abigail Beverly / Belinda Beverly / Rachel Beverly / Honoria Sommerville / Lizzle Beverly / Lady Beverly / Miss Trumble

Setting? - Mannerling (England)

Series? - Daughters of Mannerling #2

Recommend? - Yes

Rating - 14/20