A review by bookboyfriendandhusbandmake3
Off the Bench by Alley Ciz


Off The Bench is UNEQUIVOCALLY my new favorite #UofJ

Ciz shattered the ceiling on any preconceived notions I had in regards to CK and Q’s story.

Quinn is a spitfire, a sassy ray of sunshine; her outgoing personality lights up a room, and her heart is the most beautiful part of her. She was much more than she appeared, and I adored every aspect of her, from the crazy to the quirky.

CK was a fantastically fleshed-out character who quickly stole my heart and scorched my soul. He's shy, adorably awkward, and he's been taken in by this group of jocks; he may not appear to fit in on the outside, but I have no doubt that he was meant to become a part of their makeshift family, and they embrace him for everything he is. He was an enigma, and each page revealed a new piece of the CK puzzle, making me fall more in love.

We were given glimpses of CK and Quinn's connection in previous books, but it was a drop in the bucket compared to what it inevitably became. Theirs is without a doubt the most epically painful, tension-filled slow-burn in the history of evers. There was something extraordinarily special between CK and Quinn.

Ciz has created a fictional world that you can lose yourself in, with enthralling storylines and characters you wish were real. As they fall in love and their group of friends grows, so does their unconditional love and support for one another, and when you're immersed inside this world, you always feel as if you belong.

Every word infused CK and Quinn's emotions into my veins, emotionally charged from start to finish, and that added an intoxicating rush as you read. Sometimes our own thoughts are the most difficult battles we can face, and I felt each and every one of them as if they were my own.

Off The Bench is without question the #1 slow-burn of 2021. Ciz has officially blown my mind, I’m in awe, I devoured the words like I needed them to survive.

Off The Bench is a breathtaking blend of electrifying chemistry, a shy swoony hero, a firecracker heroine, exceptionally witty banter, bursting with emotion, from laugh out loud to tears shed and everything in between, and the most epic tension filled slow-burn, EVER.

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