A review by bookstley
Evil Queen: A Charity Anthology by Dee Lagasse


I’m relatively new to anthologies, so this was a rather unique experience for me.

Lana by CC Monroe

New author to me – although, I’ve seen her books everywhere and have always been intrigued. Lana’s a women who’s been through hell and back, yet she still keeps going for herself and for her boys. Her relationship with her husband Kingston is rather toxic; however, she seems to thrive due to the toxicity. It’s a great start to a story that I’m definitely interested in reading more of.

Meddy by C.L. Matthews

Huge fan of C.L. Matthews books, but was slightly let down by Meddy. Austen and Meddy find themselves involved with the same person, without their knowledge. They decide to take revenge and find love, along with themselves. Didn’t really get a feel for either of the characters, especially the relationship they had with the third person. While I realize these are just novellas, I just wish there was a bit more detail. If you’re interested in pure steam, then Meddy will definitely be for you. Despite that, I am truly intrigued to see if C.L. Matthews will come out with their actual book.

Will be reading the other stories soon!