A review by thefriscobay
Love in the City by Jen Morris


About the book:
After a brutal breakup, Alex goes on a bit of a bender and wakes up with a nasty hangover, having apparently quit her job in New Zealand to pursue her dreams in New York. She longs to be a writer, to have her parents take her seriously, and to meet someone like in all the romance novels she reads. But in New York, nothing goes as planned. Can Alex piece together a new life from the mess - and will she find love in the city?

- Quick, cute + steamy. There were a couple bits that I think come from this being a debut, but the writing was snappy and it was a fast read!
- Worth picking up if you like NYC, like a feisty lead, or like steam + swearing
- 3.75 stars

- Alex and Michael definitely come off as real people with real flaws. Reality is not picture perfect all the time. These folks had insecurities!
- The chemistry between these two was off the charts good. Like not for the faint of heart good. Do with that what you will