A review by loverofromance
Door of Bruises by Sierra Simone


I had so much hope for this installment, as the series as been building into this. I should have realized how much I really don't like this author's endings, they never satisfy me much. I had some issues with this one and most of it had to do with the ending, I really did NOT like it at all. I just really felt for Poe, her character just didn't seem fleshed with the other characters. I mean its technically a menage about three of them, but the focus is really more focused between the two males in the trio and not all three of them which I found disappointing. The chemistry and feels in the story are super solid which is what kept me going with this, because I wanted to see how things get resolved with the pairings. However, the ending is what I really did not like at all. I won't share what the ending is, but it's more of an unconventional HEA. And to be honest, the reason I read romance is NOT for unconventional HEA's haha while I appreciate what the author was trying to do here, it just didn't work for me and kinda made me angry haha I really should have read the ending first. (she did something similar with her other menage romance). But the one character out of the six friends, Beckett gets the short end of the stick. I wanted him to find something great and it just doesn't really happen for him much and felt unsatisfying. But in the future I will be reading the endings of this author's book so I am prepared.

Overall while I had high expectations, this book still left me with lots of feelings and an intense range of emotions. This author definitely knows how to write a story you can connect to, and I adored the gothic feel of the world-building. Definitely was quite a journey this series took me on and am glad that I picked them up.