A review by jsdrown
Count Zero by William Gibson


I found this to be a disappointing follow up to one of my favorite books. I feel like Gibson intentionally flipped everything that worked in Neuromancer on it's head. Where Neuromancer had bombastic set pieces combined with meaningful moments and created a world with great depth, Count Zero is entirely minimalistic to a detriment. You will have moments where characters will sit around having a stoic contest, it will jump to other characters doing the same thing, then when we return to the first set of characters something interesting/exciting has happened while we were away. I'm not saying that this can't work, but this book fizzles. It feels like it never really gets going. I'm actually saddened by the likelihood that I wont return to this.

That said it's not a terrible book. It has entertaining moments and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the characters. They were constructed well enough. I'd also say this book is worth it for fans of Neuromancer. This book is NOT a good first stop for people interested in the series.
