A review by lifepluspreston
After World by Debbie Urbanski


After World by Debbie Urbanski--I was expecting a fairly typical YA dystopian novel with this. The concept is simple--humanity has become largely involuntarily sterilized by a malicious (or benevolent) AI, and world governments are collaborating to create Departments of Transition to rid the world of humanity, moving everyone to a virtual cloud so that the earth can exist in peace. However, the story is told experimentally, through the lens of a different AI system assigned to craft narratives about the human experience. As the AI writes more and more about the last human on earth, it starts inserting itself into the story more and more. The result is a beautiful book, similar to World War Z in some respects such as the variety of first- and second- hand sources used to "craft" the narrative, but entirely its own thing as well. Thumbs up.