A review by andrgynz
The Miracle Sin by Marcus Hawke


The Miracle Sin by Marcus Hawke
⭐️⭐️⭐️ (out of 5)
I bought this book not really knowing much besides the synopsis and the general good reviews on GoodReads. Plus was looking to support up and coming horror fiction writer Marcus Hawke.
I thought the writing style was very good, something that suits my tastes and kept my interest. The overall story line was good. I’m just not sure this book was really meeting the expectations I was developing along the way. I am not a religious person at all. And while the religious tone had its function as a huge part of the story, it became a bit overwhelming to me. It dominated the story and caused the horror elements to be more like supporting characters rather than equal players.
I did like the development of the characters and how they interacted with each other, very believable and worked for the story. And the last hundred pages or so were so action packed I couldn’t put the book down.
Would have loved to have Novak the Vampire get as much story time as Mason Cole as his rival. I really enjoyed his character.
The ending was quite anti-climactic, I guess by design? Not sure if a sequel is in the works or if my vision of this huge battle ending was not appropriate. The build up throughout the novel convinced me that an epic battle between “good” and “evil” is the only way this ends. When that didn’t happen, I felt lost and like I was missing something.
Despite my feeling-on-the-fence about this book I would definitely read more of Marcus Hawke’s work.