A review by audreychamaine
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain


Grace Divine sacrificed herself to save her boyfriend, Daniel, from his werewolf curse, although she herself became infected. Now Grace is trying to learn to control her powers without letting them overrun her and turn her into a wolf, which searching for her runaway werewolf brother, Jude. As Grace looks for Jude, she meets a handsome older guy, Talbot, who seems to know what she is. She can’t seem to stop growing closer to Talbot while she feels she is losing Daniel. In addition, there’s growing trouble in town, and Grace worries that Jude may be part of it. She’s in danger of letting her quest for her brother take her over the edge, and losing herself to the wolf.

The Lost Saint is a story largely about self-control, and walking the fine line between fighting for what is right and losing yourself to violence. Throughout the story, Grace tries to do what she thinks will help her to find her brother, but each step seems to just lead her closer to surrendering to the werewolf nature. At the same time, it begs the question of whether standing by and doing nothing is ever the right thing to do when you have the power to end wrongdoings. It all comes back to the superhero statement: with great power comes great responsibility.

I found Grace’s relationship with Daniel particularly frustrating in this book. For two people who are supposed to have selfless love for one another, the distance sure grew between them pretty quickly. Of course, this creating the opening for the Talbot character to weasel his way into Grace’s life. Unfortunately, this smelled suspiciously of the Edward, Jacob, Bella triangle. I’d bet that things get even more complicated between the three of them in the next book.

The Lost Saint brings plenty of action with Grace’s new skills, and poses moral questions of right and wrong for the reader to puzzle over. Despain’s also expanded the supernatural universe in this book to include other creatures. Readers of the first book, The Dark Divine, will want to pick this one up to see a whole other side of Grace.