A review by smitch29
Pirate Nemesis by Carysa Locke



This was a decent read. The world that the author has crafted is interesting, though I found it a little painstaking to get through some of the exposition. I am still undecided whether I like the characters of the book. The backstories are varied and have potential for good things, but some of there was something off about how they interacted with each other. I think the author just hurried the characters' relationships along too quickly. I didn't really feel the connection between Reaper and Mercy and then all of the sudden they are hooking up and committing to each other. It felt like that came way too quickly, and it wasn't helped by the fact that I never really felt great chemistry from them. Trust and chemistry are two different things.

I think a bigger issue for me was Mercy in most every regard. She's been on the run for most of her life and then kidnapped for weeks. I expect her to be at least a little battered and I presume that since it took so long for someone to capture her, it must mean she's good at keeping her head down. Yet, almost as soon as she in onboard with the pirates, she's quick to insert herself and her opinions on pretty much everyone. She doesn't understand their culture or their powers. She's not sure if she has freedom with these people or if she's just in another captivity. It's a little hard to swallow that a woman who presumably has decent survival instincts is so vocal in a world she is so ignorant of.

Basically all of the beginning and middle developments were too rushed. This is part of my frustration with having the main character be an ignorant, yet powerful individual. The author was too quick to get to the part where Mercy could utilize her power, but didn't take enough time and care to develop the story to make it feel more organic.

That being said, I enjoyed the latter parts of this book. Clearly the author rushed to this part because this is where her writing/ideas shine. There was good suspense, intrigue, and complex parts to the ending that inspired me to read on with the series.

One last thing - I found the telepathy confusing. It seemed random when others could/would overhear thoughts and when shields were otherwise strong, and no thoughts leaked through. There was lots of telepathy in this book, and I think it would make an audiobook of this story really frustrating. If you were listening to this story, you wouldn't know what was a personal thought and what was a telepathic message (especially since I sometimes didn't understand whilst reading), not with other major revisions.