A review by brandypainter
Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross


3.5 stars

Tear You Apart is incredibly angsty. This is understandable as the story centers around Snow White (Viv) and her destined for doom love of her huntsman (Henley). Cross is really good about highlighting the darker elements of the original fairy tales she is dealing with, and using those elements as a critique of the stories themselves and culture in general. I enjoyed Viv's struggles with who she was and what she wanted. I also felt the portrayal of her depression and fears surrounding her fate were so well done. Just as Cross intertwined two fairy tales in the first Beau Rivage story, [b:Kill Me Softly|12680998|Kill Me Softly|Sarah Cross|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1326506608s/12680998.jpg|17352118], Tear You Apart is not just a retelling of Snow White but also The Twelve Dancing Princesses. I liked this one better than the first book. Viv's struggles seemed so real and I love the courage and strength she finds. I will definitely read more of these if they are written.

I read an e-galley made available by the publisher, Egmont, via NetGalley.