A review by someonetookit
The Burning Shadow by Jennifer L. Armentrout



So I could write a full review here and frankly it would probably ruin everything if you haven't already read [b:The Darkest Star|34221193|The Darkest Star (Origin, #1)|Jennifer L. Armentrout|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1526240882l/34221193._SY75_.jpg|55272995]. And I dont want that because it makes me angry when people do it.

So here’s what you need to know. Evie and Luc are back and attempting to stop the takeover of the world. Old faves are back as well as introducing new character arcs. The villains are epic and never stop bringing the pain to Evie and her merry band of aliens. The romance is understated but just a little steamy and there is a twist at the end that I didn’t see coming. She is thick but well worth every page.

Overall I really enjoyed this one. Probably moreso than the previous instalment. Its punchy and witty and everyone loves an understated love interest. If you want to see my full review, check it out here

I received an advanced reading copy of The Burning Shadow from Tor Teen in exchange for an honest review. The opinions within are my own and have in no way been affected by the publisher