A review by larsinio
Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson


Brain expanding meme.jpg the book.

This book is about thinking. Thinking about thinking. Thinking about your thinking. Thinking that maybe the book is or is not true.

This book is a crash course in outdated psychology models, but serves as an excellent jumping off point. It pushes the reader to not be satisifed. It pushes to reader to accept their own limited cognitive view and want something more.

In that Prometheus Rising greatly suceeds. I cant fault it for incomplete or outdated information. The book repeatedly warns you that you shouldnt necessarily trust waht you're reading. Dont be so eager to draw conclusions.

The thinker thinks , the prover proves.

Prometheus Rising focuses on the different elements of the brain, different types of thinking and compares them through the lens of an ubmer of psytchological theories. A number of htem laughably out of date. But this doesnt really matter. The broad strokes of the content and the challenging perspective serve as a cleanser for the reader.

Each chapter has exercises which i found to be an awesome addition and incredibly useful. Challenge your self, your mental image, your way of thinking, your reality tunnel. This is incredibly powerful.

RAW sprinkles the book with enough cartoons, humor to keep it realtively smooth sailing. I saw it as compelling from start to finish.

Prometheus Rising sure gave me a lot think about - that was the point.