A review by meezcarrie
My Heart Belongs in Niagara Falls, New York by Amanda Barratt


4.5 stars

Amanda Barratt’s debut novel is a sweet romance as well as being a powerful story of trusting God – and, what happens when we take matters into our own hands instead of waiting on Him.

I can totally relate to Adele Linley & her need to fix what’s wrong and be in the one in charge. In fact, I think most woman can appreciate that aspect of Adele’s character, though perhaps (hopefully) not to the extremes that she takes it. She is sincere and her heart is good; it’s just the execution of her plans that gets her (and others) into trouble. Part of this stems from her belief that God is uncaring and disengaged and, when viewed from that foggy lens, no wonder she thinks it’s all up to her. Misguided though she may be, Adele is a genuinely likable heroine with some tough lessons to learn.

And then there’s Drew, who is swoony and heroic…. and also has some tough lessons to learn. His sacrificial love for his sister brought tears to my eyes more than once, and his faith in Jesus warmed my heart as it rubbed off on Adele. Did he make all the right choices? Nope. And I love that. Because those of us who love Jesus still aren’t perfect, and we so often forget that we don’t have to do this life on our own. While Adele reflects the mindset of people we might encounter in the everyday, Drew is a realistic reflection of our own hearts and actions.

Now, I have to give both Adele and Drew some credit here: They don’t sit idly by and wait for someone else to solve their problems. They jump in with both feet and do what needs doing, no matter the cost to themselves. And while this is certainly admirable, they both miss out at first on the blessing of letting God take over – of letting His far-and-above dreams for us play out in His timing. As the consequences for their actions play out on the page, the love story that God – and the author – weaves in their life is tender and uplifting.

Bottom Line: My Heart Belongs in Niagara Falls, New York by Amanda Barratt is touching and romantic, and it depicts an intriguing time in the history of the Falls. Additionally, the juxtaposition of poverty and wealth – both materially and emotionally – is a very compelling contrast, one that Barratt writes beautifully. Adele and Drew are layered and intriguing, separately as well as together, and their story is one that will hit you in all the feels. Death-defying acts, sacrificial love, gentle romance and well-researched history… This is a great debut, and I can’t wait to read more from this author!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower