A review by heather_whoo
What Waits in the Woods by Kieran Scott


This book was a surprising treat! I usually don’t like horror elements in my books, but I was drawn to the cover and I wanted to know more. While this book isn’t revolutionary or anything, I still thought it was pretty great. It kind of gave me Until Dawn vibes (a PS4 sleeper hit). If you’re looking for a nice, short read that has an interesting plot and plenty of teen drama, here is a great option!

The writing was done extremely well, though the characters were filled with cliches. But I didn’t mind at all. The one thing that stood out to me that I enjoyed immensely were these “Recovery Journals” that served as a look inside the killer’s mind. It was super neat, but they were entirely too short in my opinion.

The last 50 pages or so were intense and I was floored by who the killer was. Oh, how I love when I’m wrong about the villain in a story! Overall, I enjoyed the book. I know she released one more book in this genre, and I hope that she writes more of these because they’re nice little treats and a breath of fresh air in the current book world of never-ending series and sequels!