A review by gen_wolfhailstorm
Worry Website, The by Nick Sharratt, Jacqueline Wilson


Read for the Jacqueline Wilson readathon. Here is the reading vlog: https://youtu.be/fg9WuWRiYz8

Audio book experience
This was a fantastic listening experience, read by comedian Helen Lederer.
She had a very engaging voice, building up excitement and emphasis.

The Story
This is the first time I've read The Worry Website and I really liked the premise of it.
I didn't realise that it would go through all the children's worries, which I really enjoyed because it had something for everyone and I feel a lot of children would be able to see themselves in some of these characters and perhaps find a solution (or at least to be optimistic for everything to be solved).

The second to final story, that was a winning entry for a competition was absolutely heart breaking. The final story about a little girl in a wheelchair was beautiful, but I do wonder if the narrator imitating the electronic voice was insensitive, or maybe it was just accurate. I'm not sure.

Overall, it was great getting to know the classroom and the children's individual worries and fears. It was very heart warming how the teacher encouraged them to speak about it in a way that made them feel comfortable and seeing how the students all interacted with each other and responded to each other's problems.

Pick it up, give it a go and enjoy! >(^_^)<