A review by unrealpooka
The Stone of the Stars by Alison Baird


This is not a complex story...the main characters through a series of events meet up and search for a stone and that is basically it...the whole book is really, about the journey. This journey in particular moves at a crawling pace.(at least it did for me...>.<) The character aren't very complex and for the obvious reason that they are all cookie cutter characters. One example would be the main character. She's mousy, she likes to read, she's smart but awkward, she has a secret crush on the handsome protagonist in the book. She keeps all her feelings inside(introverted). She knows way too much and talks quite a bit. she's basically the info dumper in the story next to the old lady, who is their guide. There's a twist in this book but, it should become clear to you about halfway into it.

The book wasn't bad but, it didn't strike me as a must read. I found this book hard to grade because, it's a introduction into a whole and probably sets the groundwork for the whole saga.