A review by claudiaswisher
Slow Storm by Danica Novgorodoff


Wow -- So many mixed feelings about this book. The artwork, especially the landscapes with the tornado wall clouds, is impressive. I didn't like her portraits of the characters as much. They seemed as sketchy as their back stories. WHY do Ursa and Grim seem to hate each other? Why do they choose to work together? Why did Ursa go to college and not Grim? What's up with their mother? WHy does their boss allow the kind of sexual harrassment that Ursa suffers? Rafi's past is better spelled out for us: a complete contrast to Ursa's relationship with her brother. He, as the illegal immigrant, actually has a better support system than she does.

The ending concerned me. What's going to happen? Does Grim really think Rafi trapped him in the barn? Will Ursa admit what she did? Has anyone learned anything that will make him or her a stronger, more confident, character?

The NWP graphic novel group will discuss this book later. I'm eager to see what others feel. Ultimately, I was dissatisfied, but glad I read it.