A review by bpass
Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengl


For a Christian Fiction Young Adult novel, this was very good. The writing was detailed and well done. Una, the main character, was very believable...I may not have liked her very much in several parts, but I will say that I could really understand her emotions and the author did a good job of making her lifelike and realistic. Aethelbard, however, was only slightly likable and rather flat. I understand the symbolism of who he was supposed to be, and while I appreciated the way the author chose to portray the relationship of Christ and the church, I did not really care a whole lot about him. I was constantly told how much the prince loved Una, and his actions showed how much he cared about her, but I didn't see a whole lot of depth in personality or emotion that made me connect with him. Leonard, the jester, was more real and emotionally engaging as a person. However, despite all this, it was a well-written and engaging read, and I will probably check out the other books in the series.