A review by haletostilinski1
Addicted to Ellis D by S.E. Harmon


⭐︎4.75 "I'm Addicted to Ellis D Too" Stars Rounded Up!⭐︎

Oh, I adored this.

It pulls you in right away with Ellis having a really, really hard go of things. He just got fired from his latest job - which didn't pay much to begin with - and his roommate and friend, Jamie, is a sex worker who is moving to Philly to be kind of a "kept boy" as it were for a john, who Ellis rightfully doesn't like.

The guy offered to take both of them, but for Ellis personally, he hates sex work. It's not for him. But he's done it in the past to survive, and he just might have to do it again...

When Jamie leaves, that means Ellis is out on the streets, as he can't afford the rent of the apartment Jamie is living in. He starts out in a motel, but when a john gets violent, he has to leave immediately in order to be safe.

It seems that things get worse from there for him. He ends up living in his car. He's officially homeless, and has to get by with washing in a gas station bathroom or getting a shower once a week at a bus shelter.

The one highlight of his life, is Luca, one of the very few johns Jamie left him with he actually likes. There's two others that are fine. But Luca isn't just fine. Quickly, Ellis begins to really like, and lets be real here, fall, for Luca.

Luca, in turn is getting heavily attached and falling for Ellis as well.

Luca is a 38 year old chef who has had a tough go of things lately. His beloved father, Stefano, recently died in a car crash.

What's worse, things are stressful for Luca as he tries to keep the restaurant afloat because of a mess his father left behind. Which include gambling debts to unsavory loan sharks which Luca has been paying off for the past 3 years.

And he's been keeping this particular part of the stressful pie to himself for the past 3 years on top of that. His friends and coworkers at the restaurant don't know. His family doesn't know. He's taking it all on by himself.

The one thing for himself he allows is paying for sex. Ever since his divorce from Colin, he isn't in the mood for having to make any connection and just wants sex for sex's sake. So he's been paying for it.

He had been a regular with Jamie, but with him gone, in steps Ellis. Who is nothing like Jamie, and that attracts Luca to him. Ellis is outspoken and upfront and he doesn't pretend just because it's his job. Luca likes that.

What starts out as sex quickly becomes more between the two. Luca doesn't know the full picture with Ellis' situation, but he knows he has a it rough, so he hires him on at the restaurant a few months into their arrangement.

Ellis, who has since lost his car since it was impounded, and recently got mugged - of all the money he'd been saving up to rent an apartment too - doesn't have much fight in him to say no.

Of course, Luca feels that continuing anything with Ellis would be taking advantage and that Ellis needs a friend more than some guy who wants to bone him - which, of course Luca does, but he's a good guy, and he doesn't want to take advantage.

Especially when it comes to light that Ellis isn't just struggling, he's homeless, and so Luca offers to have him stay at his place.

Ellis, who is as into Luca as Luca is into him, wants to be more. Ellis, for all that he's been through, is wonderfully open to more with Luca. He doesn't push at first, as he fears Luca doesn't want him anymore when Luca puts a stop to their sexual encounters.

But Luca still wants him, even more as time goes by and they get to know each other more. He just has some worries and hang ups they need to dive past. Like their age difference - about 14 years - and all he's doing for him and not wanting to take advantage, etc etc.

I liked that it wasn't Ellis who was the one holding them back. I feel like usually it would be, after all he's been through. But Ellis is a smitten kitten and wants to continue to be and he's determined to get his man.

And Luca, for all he's trying to put a stop to it, can't resist him for long, and it's wonderful.

I did give a tiny .25 off just because I wanted a little more on the steam end. What we got was great, but I wanted more. We got a great first time of Luca bottoming, but I wanted Ellis' first time bottoming too, which we didn't get. We just get a line close to the end with Luca being all "we like to switch it up from time to time, although I mostly bottom" and it's like...wait, when did you start switching it up? I wanted to see that *hmph*

The one scene we got of Ellis bottoming was good, although we didn't get to see the finish and it wasn't as detailed as I would have liked.

Just me being greedy, really, but I can't help it. Give me all the steam! Especially if they're verse, mmkay? I want to see both haha.

But anyway, I digress.

Aside from that very small niggle, I adored this, it is *definitely* worth a read.

I highly recommend! Two massive thumbs up from me!