A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Days of Awe by Lauren Fox


Days of Awe by Lauren Fox is the story of Isabel Applebaum Moore. Her best friend, Josie Abrams, just passed away, and Isabel has to go on with her life. Isabel and her husband, Christopher Moore are separated (though they sometimes have quickie sex). Their daughter, Hannah is not getting along with Isabel. She has hit the temperamental tween years (eleven going on twelve). Isabel has to find a way to get over her grief from losing her best friend and the dissolution of her fifteen year marriage.

Mark Abrams, Josie’s husband, grew up with Isabel (and were best friends for many years). Isabel actually introduced Mark and Josie. Isabel tries to stay in contact, but it is hard when Mark quickly moves on with his life. When he gets a new girlfriend that Isabel cannot stand, they see even less of each other. Her ex-husband, Chris also moves on with his life (with their therapist) and does not understand why Isabel is having such a hard time.

Days of Awe tells the story of Isabel coping with life in the year after her friend’s death. She also reminisces about her life (childhood, college, her marriage, etc.). The book just rambles on and on until the end of the book (I did not ever think I would get to the end). I am sorry, but I really did not like this book. It is told in the first person point-of-view with Isabel spewing verbal vomit. I give Days of Awe 1 out of 5 stars. I did not even like any of the characters in this book (especially Isabel). I do not like giving books low ratings, but Days of Awe deserved it.

I received a complimentary copy of Days of Awe from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The review and opinions expressed are my own.
