A review by camillalice
The Italian Wife by Kate Furnivall


Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for free through a Goodreads First Reads giveaway. Thank you to the publisher for sending this book.

The rating is more a 3.5 than a 3, rounded down to 3. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I was bothered by a few things, but I would probably read it again. It is one of these compelling historical fiction novels that make you want to keep reading.

The Good Points
- I really like the historical setting of the story. The novel is set in the Agro Pontino during the dictatorship of Mussolini. While I am familiar with Mussolini, I knew nothing about the Pontine Marshes and the building of cities there. I also appreciated the little historical explanation that was added after the novel.
- As mentioned earlier, it is very compelling and "unputdownable".
- I didn't expect some of the plots in the story, especially towards the end as things were brought to a close. I like to be surprised by the plot.

The Not So Good Points
- I noticed on three occasions that things were repeated twice in the story.
SpoilerFor example, the author explains twice what the Blackshirts did, she also mentions twice that the main character Isabella used to take pills for the pain in her back and she says twice that Mussolini was the editor of the Avanti, although in the case of the latter it has a purpose in the story.
It might just have been me remembering these things, some readers might not notice at all. I don't like being told the same thing twice as I feel like the author doesn't trust me to remember.
- Isabella (the main character)'s attitude annoyed me at one point, as she keeps pushing to know things she isn't meant to know. While she has a right to know the truth and I understand she wants to know what people are hiding from her, she lives in a Fascist state. You don't just push people around without fear of consequences!
- There was too much drama revolving around Isabella's beautiful black curls. I get it, she has nice hair. Let's move on already.
- There are a lot of coincidences happening that help to resolve some of the characters' problems.
SpoilerSafe rooms, tunnels and carabinieri suddenly going home are a few examples.

SpoilerIsabella has a limp due to a back wound, yet she runs around and "darts over fallen branches", to be found limping and in pain a page later.

Finally (and this has nothing to do with the author or her writing!), I really don't get the cover. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the story...