A review by lotusross
Crazy Stupid Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams


”If she’d learned anything in the past eighteen months, it was that people were going to believe what they wanted, and few of them were worth the emotional effort it took to try to change their minds.“

Maybe book 2 was the exception, not the rule...

Honestly, this is the perfect example of the execution did not meet the potential.
I genuinely disliked most of the characters (to no use the word hate because Alexis' family and Marsh? i DEFINITELY hated), except maybe Noah. Alexis just let everyone walk all over her, it annoyed me so much!! yeah she had a development in the end, but by that time I just didn't care. And even her development was not even worth it to be quite honest, because she ended up giving in anyway lol. And the storyline with the kidney transplant and the found family was so poorly developed and executed, I found myself being the embodiment of the ????? throughout most of the book.
I also HATED the angst at the end, especially when Alexis fucked up and believed someone she's "known" for hardly a full month and who hated her, over her best friend/boyfriend who she's known for a year and has always been there for her YET the author found a way to twist it and make Noah the one at fault. That single handedly ruined the last bit of the book and their relationship for me. And the grand gesture thing? That was 100% recycled from the second book.. I mean...

Anyway... maybe I should just give up on this series because that's 2/3 books that I didn't like and the next book is about a character who's entire characterization throughout all three books has been eating cheese, farting and going to the bathroom... i WISH i was exaggerating.