A review by zinzee
Pillow Thoughts IV: Stitching the Soul by Courtney Peppernell


Courtney Peppernell dives into the goods and bads of love. The importance of healing. In her latest book she focuses on the mind. The mind is powerful and with a healed mind you can get over the state of brokenness. As she said in the beginning ' before we begin, I'd like to remind you of a story.
Once upon a time there was a jellyfish called you.
You had ventured with heart and mind
You had found strength
You had found wisdom
and You had mended the mind.
Now you must become whole and find light within tge soul.
I hate the spoiler ending.
But you can heal hearts, minds, and Souls'.
You have to power to do anything, you are your own healer.
If you're in need for an empowering read then this is for you.