A review by judithdcollins
The Woman With the Cure by Lynn Cullen


Lynn Cullen's latest, THE WOMAN WITH THE CURE is a gripping, powerful re-imagining historical fiction of a courageous woman inspired by a true story from the author of [b:Mrs. Poe|16130398|Mrs. Poe|Lynn Cullen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1420462099l/16130398._SY75_.jpg|21955711].

This highly recommended novel centers around the life of Dr. Dorothy Hortsmann, a tenacious female doctor whose contribution to the development of the polio vaccine helped to end the horrific disease.

In 1940, Dorothy was rejected from Vanderbilt's residency program because she was a woman and was given to a man. She was the only female doctor among esteemed scientists, she dedicated her life to confirming her hypothesis that polio travels through the blood to the nervous system.

In the 1940s and '50s, polio was a horrific disease that killed and paralyzed its victims, particularly children. My parents talked about this all the time and many family members suffered. I also had a best friend in high school with polio. (she now has dementia).

The virus outbreak put the country in lockdown, similar to the COVID pandemic. They needed to come up with a vaccine and a cure.

American heroine and dedicated Dr. Dorothy Horstmann, a daughter of immigrants, a determined doctor who wants nothing more than to come up with a cure. She gave up everything, sacrificed— and changed the world. She was willing to put the children's good ahead of her prestige, time and time again.

Men took her work and credit in a world that overlooked her research and findings. Finally, her discovery opens the door for the vaccine.

She later became a Yale professor and traveled extensively to polo outbreaks. She falls in love with Arne Holm, who saved Danish Jews from the Nazis; however, ending the polio disease and curing it was her first love. Without her efforts, we would not have a vaccine today.

COMPELLING! Beautifully rendered, heart-wrenching, and meticulously researched, THE WOMAN WITH THE CURE is a timely story as the author brings scientific medical research and history to the forefront.

Not only did fearless Dr. Horstmann have to deal with unfunded programs, lack of support, and being overshadowed by men; there was a sense of urgency as a race against time to come up with a cure as children were dying and afflicted. You will root for Dorothy from the first page to the last. I enjoyed meeting the mothers, wives, and children and their stories.

An inspiring work of art and hope! A master storyteller.

AUDIOBOOK: I highly recommend the audiobook narrated by the fabulous Hillary Huber! An outstanding performance, an engaging listening experience, and a perfect voice for this moving story.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
My Rating: 5 Stars
Pub Date: Feb 21, 2023
Feb 2023 Must-Read Books