A review by ronvitale
A Life Worth Breathing: A Yoga Master's Handbook of Strength, Grace, and Healing by Max Strom


Much of what I read in this book is common sense. That's both a good thing and a bad one. If you're willing to be open minded, you'll read lines such as "practicing yoga 4 times a week is encouraged" and be able to make time for that. If, like me, you're new to the whole yoga experience, trying to figure out how to make time is daunting.

And I think that is where the book shines: How much TV or news reading do we do each day? Strom suggests that if we cut down watching the cat videos and being on Facebook with our "friends" that we might have more time for our spiritual, mental and physical health. All makes perfect sense.

The challenge is making the time. Each of us needs to balance work, play, family, responsibilities and cram in health. And I'm not happy about that. Should I get up at 4:30 am instead of 5 am? Should I not work on finishing my next book to spend time with my kids or do yoga? As a parent, the small amount of free time I have day is a fact. Moving forward, I'm practicing making time.

One line in the book has stayed with me: "Time = life." It's that simple. What we choose to spend our time on is literally grains in our own personal hourglass. One day we will die. Strom asks: "If you had one year left to live, how would you spend that time?" Once you have that answer, he advises that we live that way.

Not bad advice at all. Hard choices will need to be made, but maybe that's a good thing.