A review by labunnywtf
Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones


My Timehop tells me that two years ago today, I finished reading [b: First Grave on the Right|8788554|First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson, #1)|Darynda Jones|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1439659304s/8788554.jpg|13662358]. I had no idea, but I'm tickled by the fact.

There's an interview at the end of this audiobook, between the narrator and Darynda Jones. When asked who she based Charley on, she said she's a combination of that chick from the Janet Evanovich books, Lorelai Gilmore...and Buffy.

Goddamit. FINE, I'll bump you up a star.

See, I went in thinking I was really going to like this. Because I liked the first book. And looking at that review, I went in thinking I was going to hate it.

I really need to stop going into books with expectations. Or just always assume I'm going to hate them, and hope they surprise me. Because this one.

In the interview, Ms. Jones also mentioned that she is a huge fan of romance. And yes. Yes, I know. I get it. I GET IT. You're three sentences away from talking about her quivering mound, woman, WTF.

I was so over the Reyes storyline about two chapters in, and it just. didn't. stop. I was far more interested in the Mimi storyline. I was more interested in the dead guy in the trunk than I was about Reyes' precious corporeal body. And if I had to hear one more goddamn time about the heat emanating off his non corporeal body, I was going to throw my phone out the car window.

That's not to say there weren't plenty of good points to the book. They just all revolved around the Mimi storyline. When she stopped thinking about Reyes for 10 goddamn seconds, that was VERY good. I love Charley the investigator. Less interested in Charley the love struck idiot.

I was hoping the "You're more powerful than you know" shtick was going to end up being that she's a hot chick with super powers. Which I guess is kind of what happened, only instead of kicking ass, she...sparkles. Or something. Meh.




World of meh.

Also, as anyone who has seen my reviews of anything combining knitting and murder mystery, I despise writers who focus on a character's deep love for coffee. If I had to hear about her love affair with "Mr. Coffee", or how much she loved her "java", I swear to fucking god.

I may wait three years before trying again with the series, despite the lovely Buffy shout out.