A review by leighannsherwin
A Christmas Hope by Anne Perry


A great way to escape after what seemed to be a very hectic Christmas season. Two days after the 25th I settled down in my most comfortable chair and started to read and by the end of the day I was finished this book. This was a nice simple story, nothing too complicated and I felt more of a sense of the Christmas spirit in this story than in A Christmas Homecoming which I read earlier this month. Christmas was mentioned little, there was no Christmas feeling, no decorations or trees, carols being sung in that book and if Anne Perry thought several snow storms and people being stuck in their homes is a Christmas thing only she's never lived through a Canadian winter. But back to this book. I liked it because it had more of a Christmas feeling to it a good mystery you could follow along with. Now with only one Anne Perry Christmas book left to read, I wonder what I will read next Christmas?