A review by bookapotamus
Vox by Christina Dalcher


Did I just read BirdBox again? I think I need to put the blindfold back on.

This book is a horror story. A alarming abuse of power. Shocking parallels of today's current climate on steroids. This one scared me. Stephen King watch out cause Vox might just be the most terrifying book I ever read. Forget zombies, or vampires... these a a different REAL kind of monster- and cause THIS could happen. I mean, I know it's a little far-fetched, but seriously...I'm covering my eyes. The blindfold is going back on.

I tore through this - honestly, because I wanted it to end! Not because it was a bad book - but because the horror of the circumstances of this story, truly scared the living sh*t out of me. In this story (fiction- right?!) women (even little baby girls!) are only allowed to speak 100 words a day. That's like, one quarter of a morning conversation I typically have with my dog! The consequences of what happens if you exceed this quota??? SHOCKING.

The story follows a woman, Jean, a scientist in her "past life" (because women as also not allowed to work, or get the mail, OR READ BOOKS. Just shoot me.) Jean is pretty bad-ass, and is not accepting of this fate. She is determined to do something about it.

The message is powerful. Christina Dalcher is bold. And brave. And brilliant. A stunning debut.