A review by rlnj
Godless by Dan Barker


I found this book fascinating. Barker's personal story of his time as a Christian, followed by his deconversion is powerful on a human/personal level. Later in the book he methodically deconstructs faith, primarily Christianity. His presentation does not come across as combative, which helps his argument stay on course. His whole point is that theism, belief in a god, is myth fraudulently created by mankind. Christianity is the myth he (and the vast majority of his readers) are most familiar with, therefore it gets the bulk of the critical attention.

If you are a skeptic, or 'on the fence' about religion this book will probably nudge you further toward atheism. If you are staunch believer/defender of faith you a) aren't likely to pick this book up to begin with, b) not likely to get far into if you do, c) walk away thoroughly upset/confused if you do finish it.

I personally believe that the more informed we are, both as individuals and as a society, the better. This book is informative, grounded in logic and reason. You may choose to ignore, discredit or simply not believe the information presented here, but at least know that it exist and if you have a curiosity, explore it!