A review by chrisxaustin
Project to Product: How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption with the Flow Framework by Mik Kersten


I had high hopes for this book after listening to the Idealcast episode with the author, listening to several of the author's podcast episodes, and watching some of the author's videos.

At conferences I often find that the first 10 minutes of each session focuses on why I should care about the subject... I'm already at the talk, I know why I care about it, and I'd prefer that we move directly to approaches to solving this type of problem.

This book focused very heavily on why a change is needed, adding historical context to the problem. That's a useful and interesting subject, especially when it helps to communicate these ideas to people who haven't realized that there's a problem yet. The case studies lacked depth so they're more anecdotal.

I kept waiting for the book to move from the Why to the How. What I wanted was a book on analyzing and implementing a value stream network, but sadly it never quite got there.

I did derive value from it, but not as much as I had hoped. I would have preferred the first 150 pages be closer to 50 pages, then add another 50 pages worth of How, with case studies that show how a value stream network was mapped and the considerations around it.