A review by regulartoaster
Listening to Prozac: A Psychiatrist Explores Antidepressant Drugs and the Remaking of the Self: Revis Ed Edition by Peter D. Kramer


I appreciate the depth to which Kramer dove into the ethical questions surrounding Prozac and other "anti-depressants" (he deconstructs this term in order to explain these drugs without preconceived notions). While it wasn't the easiest read (many detailed case studies and scientific terms), he does a great job keeping an open mind and helping you to develop your own opinion.

Something I had not thought of before reading this is that different societies and eras prize different personality types. For example, a melancholy personality could have been more valuable in Victorian era than it would be today, where fast moving, quick-witted, outgoing personalities thrive. (Would Prozac be as sought-after then as it is now?)

This book was written awhile ago, but the interesting questions it asks about psychotropics are still very relevant today. This book left me with more questions than answers, which I consider to be a good thing.