A review by chapman
Dead Endless by Dave Galanter


I'm happy to say I very much enjoyed this story. I was trying to work out where in the Discovery series it would fit, from the general premise of the story and it does indeed slot into it's place as you read.

I love the set up of the Discovery as we come to know it, a very interesting insight into the what ifs and might have beens. Coming from Hugh's perpsective, seeing the subtle differences in the characters lives and how that's changed them in small and large ways.

I can't deny my heart was both bursting and breaking for Hugh and Paul, who they are and aren't to each other. The coming anguish on their behalf, knowing what's to come. It's an interesting idea having the Tardigrade "Ripper" or Ephraim from season 1 returning. I haven't seen the Short Trek which seems to also have the Tardigrade in the story, which having the same name I'm assuming is the same one.

Unfortunately I must admit finding the conversations between Hugh and Ephraim the part that didn't work as well for me. I comepletely understand Hugh's frustration with the contstant repeat of "I will and I won't. I have and I haven't." Non linear comprehension is a tricky thing to discuss and for me, it was more annoying than anything else. There were a couple of times when it did work, but the rest I have to side with Hugh and beg him to stop.

Especially since Ephraim remembers the multiple conversations with Hugh, while Hugh does not, why hasn't he worked out that repeating that phrase doesn't help 80% of the time and just frustrates and upsets him?

Aside from that, I enjoyed it over all and it's lovely having a book focusing around Hugh and Paul's characters.