A review by everthereader
Forest of Ruin by Kelley Armstrong


Spoiler Free Review:

Initially, I wasn't planning on finishing this series. I kind of just lost interest. I'm glad I did read it, because I really liked it. I did have the same issues I had with the previous books, regarding with the dual point of views. Regardless, I did still have a fun time reading it. :)

Starting with my issue with the point of views, I once again wished that there would be more of a perspective on Ashyn. Moria is a character that I've seen far too many time in YA. Though, I will say there was more Ashyn in this book, that the first two. The plot continued from the first two books and it was rather predictable. I found the storyline to be quite repetitive, especially towards the end. I also was rather disappointed by the lack of dragons. The cover clearly has a beautiful dragon on the front. As they say, covers often lie and there weren't many dragons. Maybe it's my undeniable love for How to Train Your Dragon, but I wished for more dragons. It didn't taint my enjoyment a great deal,however.
Rating: 3.45/5
Full Review Posted On: Marvelous Eden of Books