A review by maddiesreading23
Garnet Flats by Devney Perry


Garnet Flats is without a doubt my favourite of The Edens series so far!!! Foster and Talia’s relationship is just so special. I love that he fought for her, and how hard he worked to prove to Talia that he wasn’t going anywhere; that he was serious about spending his life with her.

and Talia!! she’s so relatable i saw so much of myself in her, and her feelings of not being enough on her own; I love that she kind of came into her own and realised how great a doctor she is regardless of the Eden name.

and little Kadence!!!! I love her so much, and i really liked Vivienne, Foster and Kaddie’s dynamic; that Vivi and Foster could still be friends and worked together to provide Kaddie with the best life they could was so nice to see. Vivienne annoyed me at the end but overall I do really like her.

Loved loved LOVED this book, I’m so sad to say goodbye to their story but I’m looking forward to Jasper and Eloise!