A review by nkace18
Voting to Kill: How 9/11 Launched the Era of Republican Leadership by Jim Geraghty


This book is so great, I am so glad I picked it up. It's so baffling to see all the things that transpired politically & how vast the changes were before & after 9/11. Although I lived through it, I wasn't as politically aware as I am now, but have grown to see how much destruction the right-winged republicans have changed things for the worse. It's amazing to see how simple voting rights for people have been slowly stripped away in certain states. How things are mobilizing to take away such things as the right to vote is ridiculous, what's worse is how they're getting away w/ it. The republicans during the era of our fore fathers are very different then the republicans of today which is really horrendous on how things have gotten worse for people. This book tries to explain how their are certain things that effected the way people voted & how even those that are trained to note the way an election will turn out was completely off during the 2000, 2004 & 2008 presidential elections. Still baffling to me how the popular vote doesn't get a president elected. I guess the electoral college process isn't going anywhere though. The amount of crap that the Democrats will put up with is insane compared to Republicans. But in this book it was almost like Democrats were seen as the peacemakers while the Republicans just wanted to go to war & fight like all the time. Why are Democrats seen as soft just because they feel there are other ways to solve problems? This is the type of thing that influenced how the Republicans won, they made it a PR strategy to always take about fighting the Taliban, Al-Queda & anybody else who got in their way. This made US citizens "feel" safer so even when people who normally voted as a Democrat, they changed their view & listened to the damn rhetoric that the Republicans were spewing. That's how the won, that's how W got re-elected, it wasn't for his smarts since he was the dumbest president in the history if the US & did more damage than any other president.