A review by morticia32
Cast in Conflict by Michelle Sagara


Book 16 in the series.

My rating: 2 of 5 stars, disappointing.

I was so excited when I saw this book was coming out on my birthday, so I pre-ordered it as a birthday present. I happily grabbed my Kindle first thing in the morning on my birthday and started to read with breakfast. It sadly didn't live up to my excitement.

It moved soooo slowly. The first two thirds or so was nothing but talk about shadow, towers and Bellusdeo's past and current unhappiness. And most of that was without Bellusdeo present. Severn was there for most of it, but only as a token "partner" and Nightshade just offers his thoughts. The rest of Kaylin's found family barely made an appearance, except for the squabbling Cohort, most of whom I couldn't care less about, because either they're unpleasant or just not really there.

I do love the offbeat friendship between Bellsudeo and Mandoran, but I'd really like to go back to the main story with less of the Cohort. And I really need to see Kaylin grow a little. Sixteen books in and she's still mostly ignorant about what being Chosen is and what she can do. I understand that time frame-wise, a lot has happened in a very short period, but Kaylin seems to be learning nothing from what has happened to her and her friends.

And there's maybe a bit too much reliance on Hope now? The scene where he tells her there's a problem she could solve, so he'll do it for her annoyed the hell out of me. If she can do it, she should do it, how will she learn otherwise?!

I will keep reading the series, because I am absolutely invested in it after sixteen books, but the next one will come from the library.