A review by seawarrior
Sensory: Life on the Spectrum by Schnumn, Bex Ollerton


Sensory: Life on the Spectrum is a one-of-a-kind collection of comics from autistic creators. I deeply related to many of the experiences expressed by these creatives, but was still left wishing that it had been more diverse. Many of the creatives discuss the difficulties of social interaction and sensitivity to light and noise, but few or no contributors discussed mutism, motor dysfunction, and common comorbidities such as poor muscle tone, connective tissue disorders, and chronic pain. I would consider increased sensations of pain and allodynia the most disabling, misunderstood, and lonely experiences I've dealt with throughout my life as an autistic person, and I hope to one day see an additional volume or similar book that draws in more creatives living with the physically disabling traits of autism. 

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