A review by valentinavc
Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie


It’s decent, obviously not the best of her work, but meh decent. No the movie has nothing to do with the book. Yes I actually don’t vehemently hate the movie.

There are certain specific things I like about the book. The victim was a “liar” according to every single person who knew her, yet the motive of her murder is she said she witnessed a murder. Normally people would think well that probably means she made up the story, but then the whole premise of the murder would be gone. So in reality the author arranged for her to tell a friend’s story as her own. She’s still a liar, and paid (with her life) for her compulsive lying, but still the murder make sense. And it makes me think about people’s perceptions and how in this book they’re usually true. That’s why Poirot spent so much time asking everyone whether the victim is “good”, and who do they think are “bad”.

That aside the book is quite loosely written and there are a lot of unnecessary information that didn’t matter a whole lot. I probably lost track for the middle 30% of the book but still I didn’t miss anything eventually.