A review by bootman
Ok Boomer, Let's Talk: How My Generation Got Left Behind by Jill Filipovic

Although Anne Helen Petersen went viral with her BuzzFeed article on millennial burnout and recently released her new book Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation, I preferred this book bi Filipovic much more. I'm a millennial who is curious about human nature, and I've become more interested in how we got to where we are today. Filipovic did a really good job explaining the divide between boomers and millennials and how boomers set us up for a world that we're now trying to fix. 

Whereas Can't Even had a few good parts, most of it just made us millennials look as entitled as boomers claim we are. In this book, that only happened a couple times, but it wasn't nearly as ludicrous as the arguments Petersen made. My only critique is that as a skeptic, I'm curious about some of the stats and surveys Filipovic used in this book. Some of them didn't sound accurate based on other research I've done, so if I get some time, I may fact check her a little bit and see what her sources were. Other than that, I think this was a great book.