A review by njreadsandwrites
The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai


The Right Swipe is about a dating app designer, Rhi, who has change the ways of online dating, but has specific rules for her own dating life. These rules disappear, Samson, who previously ghosted her, returns unexpectedly.

It was a beautiful story of how life has a way of breaking the rules we have set for ourselves within our personal lives. The way Alisha took a character with no desires or hopes of being in love after a terrible relationship and making her look those heartbreaking and bitter feelings straight in the eyes. I enjoyed the story so much, even in its sad moments.

The two main characters are undoubtedly my favorite. I loved the "go getter" personality of Rhi and the fresh start personality of Samson. Each made the book a better reading experience.

The plot was crafted so well that one would think it is based on a true story. The way the main character's lives intertwined without pressure or force from either party was all too real.

Overall, I feel this is an amazing book with some of the best characters I have ever read. Alisha's writing style is more straight-forward with a hint of melody within the seams. I highly recommend reading this book. I'm glad to have found another autobuy author.

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Love, peace, and dope reading!