A review by caseroo7
Falling for the Groomsman by Diane Alberts


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Falling for the Groomsman by Diane Alberts is the first book in the Wedding Dare Series that centers around Kady and Colt's wedding from Dare to Resist by Laura Kaye. This series is all based around their wedding and each novella can be read as standalones with interconnected characters. I really enjoyed seeing Kady and Colt fall in love and would suggest starting at the beginning but it wasn't necessary. Falling for the Groomsman features Kady's friend Christine and Kady's brother Tyler.

Christine is a journalist that is getting ready to move back to Maine where she is from. She makes a list of sexual goals for herself to complete while at her friend's wedding to loosen her up a bit. But when she crashes into the sexy Tyler, she realizes that her list needs some changes made. Tyler took her virginity years before while they were on a trip to Mexico with friends and then left her right after apologizing to her. Tyler is determined to win her over after his mistake years ago, but Christine has ideas of making him pay. Can Tyler and Christine get over the past and find a way to turn their undeniable connection into something more for the future, or will there be too many obstacles for them to overcome?

Tyler and Christina both had their moments for me. I liked them at times, and then others they irritated me. I felt like both of them reacted horribly at times and that they both were a bit immature about things. They wouldn't listen to each other most of the time, and jumped to conclusions while running away from each other. But I did like them together and thought that they had really great chemistry. They were really hot together, and I was rooting for them to figure things out all along. I enjoyed some of their banter though, and the way that they interacted when they weren't sniping at each other. I also thought it was cute that Tyler called her Red because he wanted something that was just his for her.

While I felt that the big conflict at the end was a little weak, I really liked how things ended altogether. Diane Alberts was able to give these characters a very real and satisfying ending, and I thought that it was perfect for the characters. I definitely recommend this story and series, and I really love this whole concept. It's so great to get to see how all these characters fit together, and I think it offers readers such a unique experience. I really enjoyed this installment by Diane Alberts, and look forward to reading more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**