A review by ameserole
Dog Days in the City by Jodi Kendall


Dog Days in the City is the second installment of the Unlikely Story of a Pig in the City series. In it, you are still following animal lover Josie Shilling and her family. We also get to see the adorable Hamlet from time to time but this story is about a girl and a dog. Well, some puppies that were abandoned as well.

Sugar was probably the best family dog anyone could ever ask for. So, it was really bittersweet to watch her get older and get sicker. It definitely brought me back to when we had our first dog and how sick he got at 13 years old. So, when Josie and her family were sad - I felt that. Mostly because I've been there.

While that was making me an emotional hot mess, we still had adorable puppies to take care of and get adopted. I seriously love how excited and helpful her stoop friends are because I know no one who would help me get seven puppies adopted. My friends and I would just keep them for ourselves, if I'm being completely honest.

In the end, I had a feeling that a certain adoption was coming Josie's way. I'm also glad that she made up with her friends and everything turned out for the better. So happy that I decided to jump into this series. It was very cute, and I think I need another Josie adventure.