A review by awexis
Drowning in Rapture by Megan D. Martin


It was between good and okay book. The guy is a control freak. Lol. Well, yeah. And like Edward (Twilight) tendecies. To extreme. :O If you read the book, you'll know what I meant by that. It's not that bad though, some parts it was fun to get insight of a strip club. It's not easy for people who got a job stripping. It's not like they want it or enjoyed it. Some might but in this case, she's a stripper because it pays oh-so-well.

So I am not condemning Julia for her choices. Bad choices she made because as she have said, she made mistakes, it was her choice so she owned it. I am glad for that kind of attitude.

Will I recommend the book? Hmm.. Maybe. It's not so bad. So yeah, maybe.