A review by nigellicus
Shadowboxer by Tricia Sullivan


Jade, a young MMA fighter with a temper problem, decks a film star and ends up packed off to a training camp in Thailand to keep her out of harm's way. She discovers that her trainer and her gym may be involved in awful crimes, testing her loyalties and her grip on reality. Mya, a young girl working for an English Doctor in Thailand, makes journeys from or world into a mystical forest full of ghosts and gods. The doctor has terrible plans for Mya, but can she escape and keep her family safe? The two stories, one of the hard, bruising, physical world of training and fighting, and the other of disembodied souls and fickle deities, become intertwined, and one world leaks into another with dangerous consequences.

Snappy, pacy writing and the endearingly larger-than-life Jade, with her mixture of pure toughness and hidden vulnerability, make this a quick, smooth, action-packed supernatural thriller. The fighting, and the fighting culture, have an authentic feel to them, and the bone-crunching bouts are a highlight.